Thursday, October 14, 2010

Online Education Game-
The above website is an educational game that investigates different bloodtypes and the administration of blood. It is extremely interactive and requires the player to think hard but will reap the rewards. You will also look into the different forms of antibodies. This website makes it very easy to learn with the information being easy to find and understand but the game is also enjoyable to play. It looks into antigens and has so much information presented on one page.

Of the few website I investigated this was definately the most informative, the website mainly focussed on the elements of science and especially biology. It was an extremely informative website and one that I learned very much from!

Favourite Website-

Google is my favourite website because it offers easy access to every website I need. It makes them easy to find and offers the most relevant information to your search. It also offers a extremely useful image search that gives top quality images that match your search from all over the internet. Recently Google have released a feature which makes Google searches instant. Google also offers many other features such as Google mail, a free email service provided by google. They also offer another service which allows google to place ads from different companies on your website and google will pay you depending on how much traffic your website recieves.

Advergaming- The benifits of advergaming.

In this blog I will be investigating the website below-  
Games that have much anticipation and are expected to sell many copies may charge upwards of 500,000 for companies to advertise in a game. A few examples of companies known to pay alot for adergames is - Nike, Adidas and also Honda. Smaller game developers may charge under 5k for their game.

Their are hidden ways of incorporating advertisising into a game, like having company logos on the mahjong blocks. One of the great difficulties for game developers is choosing how in which the advertising should be incorporated into the game and how it is to be showed.

Certain gaming developers that are new to the scene may be able to develop a extremely fun and enjoyable game but might be unable to promote the advertising in a good way. A experienced game developer will be able to make a game that is both very entertaining and also gives a clear understanding of the company needing to be advertised.

Advergaming is an ever increasing market, it gives the potential to almost be "unskippable" with pop-up windows being almost closed instantly, Tivo and foxtel giving you the opportunity to skip ads. Advergaming is becoming an ever growing market with game developers becoming ever smarter and discovering more interactive forms of advertising.

Thankyou for reading my blog, hope you learnt alot and my next one will be out soon!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Simulation Games.

Simulation games are designed to place a person in a realistic environment generally for training purposes. One of the most used simulators is the flight simulator, it is designed to place a pilot in a real life situation in control of his own plane. It incorporates every element of flying although you are not actually off the ground, the windscreen is generally replaced by a simulation. Another major form of simulation is used within the army. Which involved the use of real guns but the target practice is based on firing at objects on a screen.
Above is a flight simulator.
The world of simulation has seen a major evolution since it was forced introduced over a decade ago. Simulators are becoming more realistic and are gradually unveiling much improved graphics.
The better the simulator generally it will be closed to the public although you may be able to gain access with a large wad of cash.